Federal Credit for Federal Telephone Excise Tax Paid
Form 8913 is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Federal Department of Revenue.
Extracted from PDF file 2020-federal-form-8913.pdf, last modified December 2006Credit for Federal Telephone Excise Tax Paid
Form 8913 Credit for Federal Telephone Excise Tax Paid © Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service © OMB No. 1545-2051 2006 See the separate instructions. Attachment Sequence No. Attach to your income tax return. Name(s) as shown on your income tax return 63 Identifying number Enter the federal telephone excise tax billed during each period as listed in column (a) of lines 1–14 below. By filing this form, you are certifying that you (1) have not received from your service provider a credit or refund of the tax paid on long distance service or bundled service billed after February 28, 2003, and before August 1, 2006, and (2) will not ask your provider for a credit or refund or have withdrawn any request submitted to the provider for a credit or refund. Caution. See the instructions for explanations of the services that qualify for a credit or refund of the federal telephone excise tax. Amount of federal excise tax on long distance or bundled service only (b) Long distance service (a) Bills dated during: 1 March, April, and May 2003 2 June, July, and August 2003 $ (c) Bundled service $ (d) Tax credit or refund (add columns (b) and (c)) (e) Interest (see instructions) $ $ $ $ 3 September, October, and November 2003 4 December 2003; January and February 2004 5 March, April, and May 2004 6 June, July, and August 2004 7 September, October, and November 2004 8 December 2004; January and February 2005 9 March, April, and May 2005 10 June, July, and August 2005 11 September, October, and November 2005 12 December 2005; January and February 2006 13 March, April, and May 2006 14 June and July 2006 15 Add lines 1–14 in columns (d) and (e) 16 Total credit or refund requested. Add columns (d) and (e) on line 15. Enter here and on Form 1040, line 71; Form 1040A, line 42; Form 1040EZ, line 9; Form 1040EZ-T, line 1a; Form 1040NR, line 69; Form 1040NR-EZ, line 21; Form 1120, line 32g; Form 1120-A, line 28g; Form 1120S, line 23d; Form 1041, line 24f; Form 1041-N, line 17; Form 1065, line 23; Form 990-T, line 44f; or the proper © line of other returns For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 37723M $ Form 8913 (2006) Form 8913 (2006) Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on Form 8913 to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the right amount of tax. You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, as required by section 6103. Page 2 The time needed to complete and file Form 8913 will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated burden for individual taxpayers filing Form 8913 is approved under OMB control number 1545-0074 and is included in the estimates shown in the instructions for their individual income tax return. The estimated burden for all other taxpayers who file Form 8913 is shown below. Recordkeeping 13 hr., 37 min. Preparing and sending the form to the IRS 13 min. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. See the instructions for the tax return with which this form is filed.
2006 Form 8913
More about the Federal Form 8913 Other Tax Credit
Form no longer on site. Only available for 2006.
We last updated the Credit for Federal Telephone Excise Tax Paid in July 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2020. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Federal Internal Revenue Service. You can print other Federal tax forms here.
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TaxFormFinder has an additional 774 Federal income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
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View all 775 Federal Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
The Internal Revenue Service usually releases income tax forms for the current tax year between October and January, although changes to some forms can come even later. We last updated Federal Form 8913 from the Internal Revenue Service in July 2021.
Form 8913 is a Federal Other form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Federal Form 8913
We have a total of seven past-year versions of Form 8913 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2006 Form 8913
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Federal Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.